Thursday, December 12, 2013

©2013 Copyright. All rights reserved.

The definition of copyright is "tthe exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute the matter and form of something (as a literary, musical, or artistic work)" as started at example of copyright is, when some artist makes a song. Then he puts his song on the internet for people to by. Then someone sees it and records it and then sells it on the internet. Example two, is if they put out a movie and someone records the movie and then puts it on the internet.

Fair Use. What is it? A Fair Use is where you do any copying of something that is copyrighted and it not be illegal. There are  two ways to use it, by commenting/critizing or a parody. For example the line "One day you screaming you love me loud, next day you're so cold" from the song Holy Grail from Jayz and Justin Timberlake shows that girls can't seem to make up their minds.

The situation with Shepard Fairey was he used a picture of Obama to make posters to sale. The courts didn't see it as a Fair Use because he lied when he said he used a picture from AP Press that they had taken of Obama and Clooney when instead he used a current picture and destroyed the evidence. He was found quilty and had to pay a fine of $25,000.

Public Domain is something that the artist or inventor did not copyright so anyone is able to use it. Creative Common is when you make a copy of a article and use it for example to teach in class. One website for Public Domain info is and a website for Creative Common is

Halloween before image, used with permission, Creative Commons. 
Playing with Photoshop Exploring what Liquify, Dodge + Burn, and Clone Stamp Tool can do.

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